Friday, July 11, 2008

Yup, it's a whopper!

Well, we're now at 40 weeks +1 day, and no baby yet! It sounds like that's not unusual for a 1st baby, but as I have been suspecting for a while, we do have a whopper on our hands. Yesterday's ultrasound estimated the baby's weight at 9 lbs 9 oz! Yikes! And on top of that, I'm showing no signs of any progression. You'd think that a baby that big would realize that it could beat up any other kid in the nursery and shouldn't be scared to come out!! I've tried to have a talk with it, but it's already letting me know who's the boss around here.
So anyway, the doctor started preparing us with the thought that it's highly probable that we'll need a c-section. Not what I wanted to hear, but we're looking at all of our options and trying to figure out what's going to be best for everyone. We go back in on Tuesday for another checkup, and we've been advised not to let this go past next Thursday. Of course, we'll continue to keep you all posted! And as soon as we figure out our new printer/scanner/does-it-all-machine (except deliver babies!), I'll scan in the ultrasound picture so that you too can see the cutest chubby cheeks ever!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That's a big one! I thought Allison was pretty big. I can't wait to see if that baby even fits on the scale when he/she comes out :) I can't wait! We're thinking of you.
