We checked in with The Beav last Thursday - one week until the due date! - but nothing new to report. Baby still seems to be happy in my belly. I never would have guessed that my giant beachball would be such a fun place to hang out, but according to the kicks and jabs I get, Baby seems to be entertaining itself pretty well.
Anyway, The Beav wanted to go over what our options of induction will be if things don't start progressing soon. Next week, on our due date (Thursday), we'll get an ultrasound to check the baby's size and to make sure its got enough fluid to swim around in. So I guess the good news is that one way or another, we'll get to see the baby on its due date! And depending on how things look, we'll talk about when they might induce or wait another week.
All that talk of induction wasn't exactly what I was hoping to hear. I realize that if the baby doesn't start thinking about making an appearance on its own, then induction may be the safest option. But I'm really hoping to be able to avoid it. That night, Erik and I went to dinner at our favorite noodles place in the neighborhood, and I think my fortune said it all:
"Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians."
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