Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Acura mauling

It started out as a regular day.  Last Thursday morning, I went to my regular 5am workout and arrived back home just after 6am.  I parked Erik's car in the driveway as usual and went in to take a shower.  Erik came out at 7am and promptly yelled into the house, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CAR?!!!!"  My response, "What do you mean?"  He continued... "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CAR?!!!!"  This is what we saw...

I was able to briefly look past the fact that Erik accused me of doing this to his car and not telling him to try to figure out what happened.  After a visit from the police, a bear biologist, appraiser, and friends, we have come up with our best guess.  A rabbit (which are plentiful in our yard) ran under the car to escape a coyote (which are common in this area), and the coyote was not going to let an Acura get in between him and his breakfast.  Other suggestions have been that either a dog or mountain lion was to blame.  I guess we'll never know! 
In case you are curious, the damage has been assessed at $3700.  And Erik is currently looking for an appropriate apology for his falsely accused wife.

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