WORK - I'm back at work. Nothing's really changed - good or bad. The good news is, I enjoyed my job before my leave, so that means I will hopefully still enjoy it. So far, so good, but I do miss my boys!!
PACIFIERS - I poked holes - 4 of them to be exact - with a pushpin into Gunnar's car pacifier. He didn't notice. So either the holes were too small or he just lets it hang out in his mouth without actually sucking. If the latter is true, I hope it is not a warning sign that he will take up dipping later in life. Gross. Anyway, for the next car trip, I "forgot" to put paci back in the car and told Gunnar I didn't know where it was. Great - now I'm teaching him that lying is ok. But, the good news is that once we start rolling, Gunnar stops asking for paci, and I can actually understand him when he talks to me in the car now. Chalk one up for Mom. However, getting rid of bedtime pacis will probably not be as easy, as I actually hear Gunnar sucking on those pacis as he drifts off to sleep.
POTTY TRAINING - Still having 1-2 accidents/day, but peeing in the potty at least 20times/day (or so it seems). Great job, little buddy! No poop in the potty yet - he usually waits for his naptime diaper for that one. Though his teacher had to throw away one pair of his underwear last week. Thank you, Ms. Woods, for taking care of that one!
HALLOWEEN - A smash hit with Gunnar. Can't wait to post pictures!
LEVI - Great 1st day of school. But woke up with a badly stuffed up nose this morning and hasn't pooped since Thursday (today is Monday). My coworker was laughing when I arrived at work this morning - he'd taken a message for me from the doctor, explaining how to help Levi with his constipation. Daddy's on his way to school with a bottle of brown sugar water. Feel better soon, little guy!