About 4 or 5 months ago, Gunnar started showing interest in potty training. He would always ask to help Erik and I go potty - retrieve toilet paper, close the door to give us "privacy", flush... So we got out the little potty for him to sit on. He initially took it apart and used it to put his toys in. Then he sat on it to read books. Then it just sat there for a while. We weren't sure how to approach potty training, and then something interesting happened...
We've been getting spoiled lately, having the excuse of a new baby to convince our friends to come visit us while we enjoy time at home. We're loving every minute of it! The Spachs brought us dinner one night, and Gunnar got to play with his good buddy, Keegan. Those boys are hilarious together - running around like they'd just won the lottery. So cute!
Keegan has recently been potty trained, and Gunnar was interested to see Keegan go potty while he was visiting. Two days later, Gunnar came home and ran into the bathroom, yelling "POTTY!" Uncle Robby was in town, and he had the pleasure of taking off Gunnar's dry diaper and sat him on the potty. Gunnar peed in the potty for the first time! Yippee!
Then, just last week our friends from Charlottesville - Steph, Andrew, Eamon, and Adelaide - came to see us. Eamon and Gunnar had a great time playing with toys, swimming, and blowing bubbles together.
Steph and Andrew were troopers, making their longest trip yet since having Adelaide, who is just a couple months older than Levi. And we truly appreciate it, not only for Andrew's cooking and Steph's wine and good company, but also for Eamon's poop. You see, Eamon was also just recently potty trained. And the night he left, Gunnar pooped in the potty for the first time. Whooohooo!
So, after hearing about all of the different approaches to potty training, we've ended up taking the "let friends with potty-trained kids visit and show Gunnar how it's done" method. Lazy? Maybe. Smart? Yup. I think so! Now who's going to visit next and teach Gunnar to wipe himself???