Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gunnar's Obsession

From Gunnar and the grill

Gunnar loves the grill. I'm not sure where this love came from, as this affair started in the cold weather, when we had not been grilling out at all. When Gunnar wakes up in the morning, he immediately starts talking about wanting to see the grill. When we go to get in the car, he runs to the grill and insists that he see it before we go anywhere. When we come home, he runs to the grill and insists that he see it. This "seeing" involves removing the cover, lifting the lid, and touching the grate. Sometimes when we're playing outside, Gunnar will run to the grill 5 or 6 times in a row and ask to see it. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior for a 20-month old, but Gunnar's friend, Eamon, has a similar obsession with stop signs (see his blog via the link at the left). My theory is that Erik was telling Gunnar about his love of girls, and Gunnar misunderstood him and thought he is supposed to love grills. In any case, both Erik and I have become quite tired of hearing about the grill and being insisted upon to go out in the cold and rain to see it. We are also tired of the tantrums that ensue when we must say "bye-bye" to the grill. Therefore, we were absolutely elated when we arrived home the other night to a surprise package from Eamon. See video below...