We have recently found out that Gunnar is "severely allergic" to peanuts, and we would like for our friends and family to become educated on things to consider when you are around Gunnar so that we can avoid any potentially dangerous situations. This is a long post but has very important information, so please take the time to read it.
There are many hidden sources of peanuts in our foods, thus it is very important to read labels and ask questions when eating out. Any product that could be cross-contaminated with peanuts should not be given to Gunnar. Packaged foods should have labels on them that say "May contain peanuts" if they are prepared in places where peanuts are used. This includes most chocolate candy and candy bars (ie: plain M&M's).
At home, it is important to prevent cross-contamination if Gunnar is around (ie: using the peanut butter knife to scoop out the jelly). It is safest not to offer peanut products to other children if Gunnar is around them at the time. We are trying to teach Gunnar not to take food from other children, but he is still too young to understand.
Sadly, Chick-fil-a is off our list of restaurants since they cook in peanut oil. Please note that there are claims out there that state that certain types of peanut oils are safe for those who are allergic because the processing removes the protein that causes reactions. However, our doctor advised us to ignore those claims and AVOID ALL PEANUT OILS.
Many bakeries and ice cream parlors are off limits as well. In fact, just about all of the products in Target's bakery list are listed as possible recipients of peanut contamination. And many ice cream parlors use the same scoop for all flavors.
Gunnar's first reaction to peanuts consisted of hives all over his face and neck within minutes of eating peanut butter. Although this was a relatively minor reaction, his allergy tests showed that he has a 30-40% chance of having a severe reaction if peanuts are ingested, which could include anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock is life-threatening and must be treated immediately. To read more about it, please go to https://www.google.com/health/ref/Anaphylaxis.
If Gunnar experiences hives/itching/rash, then we will treat it with Children's Benedryl or a prescription called Hydroxyzine.
In case of anaphylactic shock, administer the Epi-pen immediately and call 911. We keep one Epi-pen in Gunnar's diaper bag and another at school. To use it, break the seal, stab it in his thigh, and hold it for 10 seconds. These instructions are clearly labeled on the pen.
With the allergy testing, we found that Gunnar is not allergic to any of the other major food allergens. These include: tree nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, coconuts etc), shellfish, wheat, soy, eggs, milk, or fish. He was not tested for any other foods.
Causes of peanut allergies are currently unknown, and we have no others in our family. There are many theories as to why this allergy has become more common in recent years. These include the quantities of peanut products that our society eats, exposure to peanut proteins while in the womb, and changes to how peanuts are processed. All are simply theories, but there is a ongoing research on this. For more information, you can go to http://www.foodallergy.org/allergens/peanut.html
Thank you for taking the time to read this. The scariest part of dealing with this allergy is having Gunnar around people who are unaware and uneducated about it. With your help, we can keep him safe and happy!