Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gunnar loves lollypops!

Also known as "pop-pops..."

Other things Gunnar is loving right now:
bubbles, apples, dancing with The Wiggles, Baby Einstein, making animal sounds, "cooking" in the kitchen, playing with Ava at school, sweeping the floor, calling Daddy "Mama"

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pictures on The Lawn!

Here they are... the long awaited family pictures! (long story short - been trying to get these done for months, the 1st round was a bust, so this was our 2nd - and very successful - attempt)
Mary Bias did a fabulous job! She was so good with Gunnar, and the pictures speak for themselves. For anyone who's going to be spending time in the Charlottesville area, please check out Mary's website - http://www.marybphototgraphy.com - we highly recommend her!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Festivities

Fall is in the air, and we've been celebrating by playing in the leaves and picking out pumpkins. This past weekend, we went to Charlottesville to see Grams and Grandpa and to get family pictures, version 2, taken on the Lawn. (Family pictures, version 1, happened at the beach in August, but we smiled so hard that we broke the camera!!) A preview of our photo shoot can be seen at http://pixieperfectcreations.blogspot.com. Mary Bias, a wonderfully talented artist and mom of a 2-year-old, did an amazing job, and I highly recommend her to anyone in the area! I'll post more photos when we get them.

Grams dug out some old pictures of Little Erik. Hmmm, I think I see some resemblance here...
Earlier this month, the Matlocks came to visit. We got to welcome Mark home from Iraq and welcome Baby Walker to our crazy world! Trevyor's an awesome big brother, and Stacey certainly makes the mom thing look easy. We all took a trip to the pumpkin patch and had to hide in the corn maze to stay warm.
Despite all the talk these days of hard economic times, we've been having a blast!
Though we have taken precautions and shown Gunnar where we could end up if we aren't careful...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


About a month ago, we finally got a chance to take a full week of vacation - and I mean a vacation! No plans, no schedule... just a week at Virginia Beach with a visit from Patty and time to spend with our good friends, the Barretts. Linda should be on the Va Beach tourism payroll - her concierge services were unbeatable! Between the massage, the pedicure, and many naps, we found plenty of time to ride our bikes and take Gunnar out in his new bike trailer. Here's a picture at the end of our maiden voyage:
From Va Beach 2009

It was pretty windy the first few days we were there...
From Va Beach 2009

I never thought with the little bit of hair that Gunnar has, that it could actually be styled into a mohawk...
From Va Beach 2009

We got to visit with girlfriend, Brinn, who let us hang out with her at the Ritz...
From Va Beach 2009

And Godparents Anne and Dennis came in for a quick dose of R&R. Whatcha got there, Uncle Denny?
From Va Beach 2009

And we topped of the week with Team Lindhjem going for gold in the Virginia Beach 1/2 Marathon. So, we didn't take home gold this time, but next year, I promise not to be in the port-a-jon when Erik runs through the transition zone. Better luck next time!

Monday, September 21, 2009

PLEASE READ - Important info on Gunnar's peanut allergy

We have recently found out that Gunnar is "severely allergic" to peanuts, and we would like for our friends and family to become educated on things to consider when you are around Gunnar so that we can avoid any potentially dangerous situations. This is a long post but has very important information, so please take the time to read it.
There are many hidden sources of peanuts in our foods, thus it is very important to read labels and ask questions when eating out. Any product that could be cross-contaminated with peanuts should not be given to Gunnar. Packaged foods should have labels on them that say "May contain peanuts" if they are prepared in places where peanuts are used. This includes most chocolate candy and candy bars (ie: plain M&M's).
At home, it is important to prevent cross-contamination if Gunnar is around (ie: using the peanut butter knife to scoop out the jelly). It is safest not to offer peanut products to other children if Gunnar is around them at the time. We are trying to teach Gunnar not to take food from other children, but he is still too young to understand.
Sadly, Chick-fil-a is off our list of restaurants since they cook in peanut oil. Please note that there are claims out there that state that certain types of peanut oils are safe for those who are allergic because the processing removes the protein that causes reactions. However, our doctor advised us to ignore those claims and AVOID ALL PEANUT OILS.
Many bakeries and ice cream parlors are off limits as well. In fact, just about all of the products in Target's bakery list are listed as possible recipients of peanut contamination. And many ice cream parlors use the same scoop for all flavors.
Gunnar's first reaction to peanuts consisted of hives all over his face and neck within minutes of eating peanut butter. Although this was a relatively minor reaction, his allergy tests showed that he has a 30-40% chance of having a severe reaction if peanuts are ingested, which could include anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock is life-threatening and must be treated immediately. To read more about it, please go to https://www.google.com/health/ref/Anaphylaxis.
If Gunnar experiences hives/itching/rash, then we will treat it with Children's Benedryl or a prescription called Hydroxyzine.
In case of anaphylactic shock, administer the Epi-pen immediately and call 911. We keep one Epi-pen in Gunnar's diaper bag and another at school. To use it, break the seal, stab it in his thigh, and hold it for 10 seconds. These instructions are clearly labeled on the pen.
With the allergy testing, we found that Gunnar is not allergic to any of the other major food allergens. These include: tree nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, coconuts etc), shellfish, wheat, soy, eggs, milk, or fish. He was not tested for any other foods.
Causes of peanut allergies are currently unknown, and we have no others in our family. There are many theories as to why this allergy has become more common in recent years. These include the quantities of peanut products that our society eats, exposure to peanut proteins while in the womb, and changes to how peanuts are processed. All are simply theories, but there is a ongoing research on this. For more information, you can go to http://www.foodallergy.org/allergens/peanut.html

Thank you for taking the time to read this. The scariest part of dealing with this allergy is having Gunnar around people who are unaware and uneducated about it. With your help, we can keep him safe and happy!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Grapes

At long last the clip from Gunnar's birthday that everyone has been waiting on the edge of their seats to see!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sign Language

Starting at about 6 months old, we started teaching some basic sign language to Gunnar. He only knows a few words, but they are extremely helpful in communicating with him, especially now that he has acquired a piercing scream that has Mom and Dad destined for the Miracle Ear. His first word was "more," which he communicated by clapping his hands together. Judging by his belly and cheeks, he uses that word the most. He now actually puts his fingers together instead of clapping, which is the more accurate way of making the sign. His other words are "milk" and "eat." He also waves bye, and though we've tried to teach him "all done," he prefers to scream.
Now, a funny story about his "milk" sign...
Gunnar's bedtime routine consists of me reading a few stories to him in the rocking chair, with the last book being his little prayer book that has a bear on the front. We read the prayer, he kisses the bear goodnight, and then he nurses and goes to sleep. It's very sweet, and I enjoy our cuddle time together. However, the other night, apparently Gunnar was in a hurry. We read our stories and then started on the prayer book. We only made it through 2 pages when he promptly closed the book, kissed the bear, turned around to look up at me and gave me the "milk" sign.
I get the point, dude. Good night. :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Gunnar's 1st steps

The posts are a little out of order, but I'm still learning to use my video editing software. I've learned a few new tricks on the computer, and now I can show off Gunnar's tricks! He took his first steps on July 10th, at daycare of course! But the second I walked in the door, he walked to me and landed in my arms with the biggest smile ever. I screamed. We then went home and practiced - he was very proud of himself, and I must say that we were very proud parents that day. And it was a funny thing that he decided to start walking on the 10th - that had actually been my due date with him. So if he had arrived on time, he would have been walked exactly on his 1st birthday. And now, after just a few weeks of practice, he's Mr. Independent, wanting to walk everywhere without even holding a hand.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gunnar's 1st birthday party!

It was all Dr. Seuss. Horton hung out in the tree while Yertle and the Cat swung from the chandelier, and a great time was had by all! The pink Cat's Hat cake did turn out red after all (thanks to an 11th hour family effort), and Gunnar wore his special #1 romper from Aunt Lizzie and a great big smile. We were very thankful to have so many friends and family join us for the big celebration - Patty, Rooty, Nan, Aunt Sue, the Davis', Grams, Grandpa, CJ & family, Mr. Mike, the Spachs, the Meyers, the Tumlins, Joanna, Catherine, Leigh, Mike, Thomas, and Gregory!
After working up an appetite playing with sidewalk chalk and bubbles, we filled up with green eggs and ham and the YInk's pink ink. Cousin Connor and Uncle CJ got rowdy with their grape-eating contest, which was swiftly foiled by Grams' sneak attack. I got it all on video, which is sure to go down in history. You will soon be able to view it here!
The weather was perfect, and the party was a blast. Gunnar, even though you probably won't remember your party, we wanted to give you a fun day as our way of thanking you for giving us the best year of our lives. Happy 1st Birthday, Cheeks! Love, Mom and Dad

July 4th

As I'm working on pictures from Gunnar's birthday to post, here are ones from July 4th I'm just now catching up on. We had a great time at the block party with the Spachs!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Playing in the dirt

We did some yard work this weekend. I put the mulch in the bed. Gunnar took the mulch out of the bed. It kept us well entertained, and I got some good pictures.
(and by the way, he looks speckled in his 11 month picture because he had the chicken pox!! but he's doing much better now!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Lawn at UVA

We went back to UVA for our 10-year reunion, and while we were there, we took our future Wahoos (Gunnar and Eamon) for a wagon ride on the Lawn. Gunnar doesn't exactly remember how he got there - he had a rough night at the fraternity house the night before and slept through our journey up The Corner to the Lawn.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A day at the beach

A couple of weekends ago, we visited our good friend, Stacey, and her son, Trevyor, at the beach in Jacksonville, NC. Trevyor got to practice being a big brother, as little Walker will be arriving in September. Unfortunately Stacey's husband, Mark, is stationed in Iraq until October, but he's only a Skype call away at least twice a day!
Gunnar got to spend an afternoon at the beach - his first warm weather trip there (the last time was in Kiawah in December). He was content checking everything out, eating sand, and napping on our walk.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pimp my Ride!

Thanks to our good friend, Mike, Gunnar's new favorite activity is cruising for chicks. The Pimpin' Party Wagon makes rounds around the block almost every day. Watch out, ladies!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Do not adjust your monitor!

Those eyes really are the most gorgeous blue you've ever seen!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Many Firsts!!

Gunnar is now almost 9 months old, and it's amazing what a difference just a few months makes. He is officially on the move, doing the military scoot (on his forearms) to get around. He's got 2 bottom teeth with a couple of top ones trying to poke through, he loves Cheerios (though by the looks of his belly, you'd swear he eats steak and potatoes every night), and his bubbly personality is constantly keeping us entertained. There is certainly nothing shy about this little guy - any trip to a restaurant turns into "The Gunnar Show." It's all very cute now, but I'm not sure how it will work out for him when he's older... From his highchair, he turns almost 360 degrees, looking for potential. He stares his victim down and shouts until he gets their attention. He then proceeds to flirt with them throughout the entire meal. Today, he was making such a racket at a brewery we went to, that 3 ladies from the other side of the bar came by to see what all the buzz was about. Gunnar flashed them his adorable smile, and even with his Cheerio-crusted cheeks, he won them over.
Besides picking up the ladies, Gunnar's been discovering all kinds of new things lately...

1st Snow (it was cold and wet - not very enticing to play in)
From Gunnar 6-7 months

1st Swim (loved the water! fell asleep in Mama's arms while bouncing in the pool)
From Gunnar 8 months

1st Swing (thanks Rooty and Daddy!)
From Swing

1st Plane Trip - went to Colorado to see Aunt Lizzie & family (didn't mind plane ride - it was 1st class, after all! - got sick in Denver, then passed it on to his Dad and cousin, but still had fun!) - Here's a picture from our hike up Castle Rock.
From Gunnar 8 months

Phew! All of these adventures are enough to wear a boy out!
From Gunnar 8 months

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine!

This has been a sad week for the Rheutan family. Chick, our family dog, has now gone to doggie heaven. She was with us for almost 10 years and was the perfect dog, whether she was entertaining the little kids or being a companion to the big kids. She brought many smiles to our faces, and in her honor, I'm finally posting our first video. This was taken at Christmas, when we were all in Richmond. Aunt Lizzie was making Gunnar laugh, and this is proof that laughter is contagious. So watch out... you're about to get the laughter bug! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3 Pecking Ducks

My sister, Elizabeth, has started her own company, 3 Pecking Ducks. She sews adorable appliques onto children's clothing and can do custom orders. Here's a picture of Gunnar in his "G" gear.

So please consider her when shopping for the kids in your lives! (and no, I'm not getting a cut out of this... I just get to keep my ranking as the cool sister for a while!) Her website is http://www.3peckingducks.blogspot.com. And I'll keep the link in my friends and family section in the left column. Happy shopping!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Great news - Gunnar made it through his first Christmas on Santa’s good list! (as if anyone was worried) Gunnar even put on his Santa outfit for the big day as we celebrated with Grams and Grandpa. Though he got lots of cool things, nothing was cooler than the wrapping paper. He loved making crinkle noises with it. We’re sure that next year the big hit will be bubble wrap!

After a few days with Grams and Grandpa, we checked in with our friend Eamon, who is now crawling!!!, and then headed to Richmond to see the Rheutan side of the family. We even got a chance to visit with Anne and The Godfater… I mean, Godfather (so, the guy making the t-shirt had a little trouble spelling that day…). And on our way back home we stopped in to see girlfriends Cora and Brinn (yes, he has many!) and still made it home in time to bring in the New Year. Whew!

Over the holidays, Gunnar has been working hard on his Buddha belly. He’s officially eating solids now. Started with rice cereal – he now grabs for the spoon (and anything else within reach), and have since added in pears to help with, um, processing. The funniest part of his mealtime is actually getting him in his Bumbo seat (a baby version of a highchair). His ham hocks, I mean, legs, barely fit in the holes! Check out the pictures…

Do ya think this boy has food on his mind? For Christmas, Gunnar went to Williams Sonoma and picked out a baby food maker for me. Now I can cook, puree, and store all kinds of goodies for our little “Cheeks.” He’s apparently got high hopes that his mom will actually make it as a chef! I'll give it my best shot, but meanwhile, I’m going to teach him how to press Papa John's on speed dial, just in case.

All in all, we had a great vacation. We’re starting to see more of a personality come out in Gunnar everyday. He thinks he's pretty funny - check out the photo of him sucking on his pacifier backwards! He put it in his mouth that way and kept it in there for about 5 minutes! And just a couple of days ago as he was nursing, he took a break to look up at me, smile, and babble a sound that very closely resembled “Hi!” He then went right back to eating. This little guy still makes my heart melt!