Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Milk memo #2

I actually wrote this one last week but am just now getting a chance to post it...

I’ve now been back to work for a little over a week, and I think I have everything under control… well, for the most part anyway. I no longer cry when I drop off Gunnar at daycare, I actually get to work almost on time, and I’m surviving single motherhood while Erik’s in Europe for 2 weeks. And until today, I thought I was making due on 6 hours of sleep per night - that is, until I realized that for the second time in the past week, I have gone to work with my underwear on inside out! Oh well. I was always told that once you become a mom, you just have to let some things go. Like a manicured lawn, keeping up a perfectly clean house… but I never thought that list would include how you put on your underwear. Maybe that list is longer for me. I guess I should be thankful that I remembered to put some on! The next time I have a glass of wine (which may only be a few short hours away), I am going to raise my glass to all of the single moms out there who have managed to keep their underwear right-side-in all of these years. You are my heroes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Fun!

The last couple of months have been filled with lots of visits with family and, of course, more milestones as Gunnar continues to grow quickly in his quest to become the World’s Strongest Man.
At his 2 month checkup he weighed in at 14 lbs. 7 oz. and 25 ¼”, which put him in the 95th percentile for weight and 97th for height. And unfortunately, we had to make an unscheduled doctor’s visit last week to take care of a couple of ear infections (welcome to daycare!). But that gave us another opportunity for a weigh-in – at 3 months, our little man is a whopping 15 lbs. 15 oz. He is now rolling from his back to his side (he sleeps like that - with his hands clasped by his face, looks like he’s praying), grabbing onto rattles, talking all kinds of baby talk, and has successfully trained his parents to break into song and dance anywhere, anytime, rewarding them with many smiles. We've spent lots of time outside, and Gunnar got to go on his maiden voyage in the jog stroller.

Gunnar has gotten to meet many more family members over the past month. Great Aunt Mary Ellen and Great Uncle Joe stopped by for a visit. And Gunnar dressed up in his pumpkin costume for Great Aunt Sue's 60th birthday party. Cousin Paisley thought his hat was pretty cute and stole it right off of his little bald head!! I guess she was trying to make room to go in for a kiss. Now there's a little girl who knows what she wants! The Hamiltons flew in from Denver, and Gunnar got lots of lovin' from Aunt Lizzie and cousins Andrew, Grace, and Will. He also got to meet cousins Connor and Bradey and watch them make bottle rockets out of 2 liter bottles and water, while Gunnar made his own version (involving a diaper and, well, his own concoction).

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time flies!

So I got to my last week of maternity leave, and realized that my to-do list of things I wanted to get done while on leave still remained untouched. I wasn’t too concerned about that, because I did spend my time doing the most important thing – caring for Gunnar – but I did want to try and check at least a couple of items off the list. So, the blog fell to the bottom of priorities, and now I have some catching up to do! I promise to post pictures next week (we’ve probably taken at least 1000 since the last post)! In the meantime, check out my milk memo…

Milk memo #1

My prenatal yoga teacher, Cheryl, told me about a book I need to start reading – “Milk Memos.” It’s a book of memoirs from working moms who would write in a communal journal as they would pump at work. So here’s my first “milk memo.”
Tuesday was my 1st day back at work. We did a test run at daycare Monday morning, and I had barely set foot in the building when the tears started flowing. The last 12 weeks have been the best of my life. Physically, things weren’t exactly smooth sailing (PUPPPS, mastitis, the list goes on…), but none of that matters because hanging out with Gunnar and watching him grow was the coolest thing I could have ever done.
While I was pregnant, it seemed like every parent told me “Having a baby will change your life.” And all I wanted to tell them was “No s***, Sherlock!” That’s kind of the point, isn’t it?!! Anyway, I’ve been able to reflect a little bit on how it’s changed my life.
Being a kid is fun. And having a kid lets you re-live that fun. You see, these days, I don’t need an excuse to sing all day, make funny faces in the mirror, or play peek-a-boo. An outsider would look at me and think, “Awww, she’s entertaining her son.” And yes, that is what I’m doing, but those things just happen to make me smile and laugh too!
My favorite activity: loading up Gunnar in the Baby Bjorn (facing outwards), looking in the bathroom mirror, and singing while Gunnar dances on the counter. One of these days I’ll get a video camera and post our act – it may even be Broadway worthy!!
Our latest discovery: hands. What an incredible invention! They are attached to us, so they are like toys that never get out of reach, and fingers win over a pacifier any day! I love watching Gunnar examine his hands. He has been known to stare at them for 10 minutes – just looking in amazement.
Ah, to be a kid again!!!